The Game of Dilemmas
The Game of Dilemmas is a party game about creating the juiciest dilemmas.
You can read minds, but you slowly go insane.
You can be with the love of your life, but lose all friends and family forever.
You are the most beautiful person in the world, but can’t see it yourself because you’re blind.
Each round, players combine one positive card from their hand with one negative card. Then all players vote which dilemma they would and wouldn’t pick. The dilemma with the most controversy—the smallest difference between NO and YES votes—wins the round and gets points!
What’s special?
This game kind of “grew naturally” out of The Game of Happiness. Check that page for more info about how this came to be.
The rules above are literally all the rules of the game. I keep saying this, but this is probably my simplest game yet. The amount of material needed to achieve that, however, is quite high. The “big list” behind this game has hundreds of positive and negative cards that can appear. (You obviously don’t print them all: they are divided into manageable “packs”, and you decide how many you want.)
The reason it can have so few rules, is probably because this is also my most “loosy-goosy” game yet. Points are awarded based on other players and their preferences in the moment, so there’s not much strategy or consistency to be found here.
But that’s fine, because that’s not the point. The point is to have fun together coming up with the weirdest and most intriguing dilemmas, and it does that quite well.