Clickbaitje Brand
Clickbaitje (the diminutive of Clickbait in Dutch) is a main brand for my Dutch webshop.
As expected, it focuses on parodying clickbait. All the silly phrases, setups, twists, and what not that people use nowadays to get your attention. Of course, I try to twist them again to make them humorous or simply look good as a phone case.
It’s called this way because, when saying the word in Dutch, the final part sounds the same as the word for “a little bit”. As such, by adding another word at the end, you get a pun that reads “a little bit X”. For example, “Clickbaitje Vervelend” can be read as “(Click) a little bit annoying”, and then the design obviously illustrates some annoying aspect of Clickbait.
The main target audience would be technical people, or at least those who are online often and come across clickbait often. These would mostly be younger people, gamers, geeks, and the products chosen for this brand reflect that target audience.