Skribbull Brand
Skribbull is a main brand for my Dutch webshop.
As the name suggests, it focuses on scribbled, doodled and sketched designs. These are usually quite busy designs without many patterns or repeating elements, as if I made them while incredibly bored during class and randomly scribbling in my notebook. Hey, what a coincidence, that’s exactly how I started “doodling” years ago and what inspired this brand!
Just doing that felt a bit superficial, however, so I went one step further. I keep track of how often I use every element. In doing so, I can turn all these designs into a game: try to spot all the instances of this icon. When the final design is done, it can be really hard to spot, say, all the flowers (small and large) scattered around.
The main target audience would be anyone who identifies with this. Mostly (young) girls who scribble and doodle too. Visual artists and painters. The main “characters” I drew are clearly more on the cute and childish side. But because the overall designs fill an entire space with rich detail, but are also minimalist (just one type of stroke, one color, simple icons), it’s quite balanced and neutral. It’s not too “girly” for boys, or too “busy” for most. At least, that’s my intention.
This is an international brand. It’s just skribbulls, no language needed ;)