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About halfway through high school I invented the word “bester” with a friend of mine. From that moment, I maintainted a free website—called Bester—on which I uploaded all my game projects.

When I switched to a professional hosting provider, I transferred the project to my game studio website.

All the games can be played directly within your browser (with a keyboard), no need to install anything.

These were my very first games. So I won’t pretend they are amazing creations. Some of them don’t even work anymore because browsers have changed over the years. But I do know I learned a lot from making them and had loads of fun playing them with friends. Some games, like “iiICECREAM” are actually quite good (in my opinion), and are still played to this day.

All in all, this website shows where I started and where I learned to make games. That is even more important to show than my successes.