Ho Ho Sombrero
Ho Ho Sombrero is a silly local multiplayer game (1–4 players) about keeping eggs in the air with sombreros.
It was made in <2 weeks for a game jam. (Those are game development competitions in which you have a really short time frame to make something, following a certain theme or restrictions.)
Nobody is able to tell that from the outside, as I think the game looks wonderfully colorful and playful! But when you play it, it becomes obvious not much time was spent on the content.
What’s special?
I originally made it for a short game jam in December about “new beginnings”: New Horizons Jam
But the theme strayed so far that I’m not sure it’s really connected to it anymore. (I saw “eggs” as something that presents a “new beginning”, that’s the link. And there’s no way to lose, you can only win. And breaking eggs spawns a powerup you can use, so that’s also a new beginning.)
It was my first semi-big game in 3D, which taught me a lot about modelling and how to make things look good (with lights and perspective). It’s also one of the simplest and most accessible games I’ve ever made, although you could see that as a negative if you’re looking for more in a game than just holding a bunch of eggs off the ground.
For this reason, I’m planning on creating an improved version of the game, that fixes some important issues and adds more variety to the challenge.