Wildebyte Arcades
The Wildebyte Arcades is a series of episodic books about somebody who gets stuck inside video games. They’re a mix of science-fiction and fantasy, written for all ages (though especially younger audiences), and combine two of my passions: writing and game development.
Episodic means that the books can be read in any order. Each of them is a standalone story that takes place inside a new type of game. Yes, of course there are overarching storylines and mysteries, as well as recurring jokes of characters, but they’re not crucial to following the plot.
The books are roughly half the length of a regular novel. At first, I aimed for shorter stories, but that turned out impractical. Every book needs to set up and explain a new game, which is like building an entire new fantasy world in every novel.
Additionally, the books sneakily explain and show how games work behind the scenes (and computers in general). To make this fun and emotional, it also needs time and setup.
Because of the episodic nature, there’s no way to tell how many installments there will be. That’s why this is marked as an “ongoing” project—even though it already has many finished books—and the header image simply the cover for the first book. (At time of writing, the first “disk” about smartphone games has roughly 20 planned stories.)
Sometimes I also create and release the actual game that’s being played! This is only possible if the game is simple enough (so I can make it in a reasonable amount of time) and I am able to bring something new to the idea (just cloning a popular game and slapping Wildebyte on it … is useless).
Visit the official link (which goes to my author’s website) to see all the released and upcoming books, more information, links to buy them, and even “writing diaries” about how I created them.