PQ Words
Pandaqi Words (or PQ Words) is an open source dictionary aimed for use in word games (or other practical language projects).
The problem
Once upon a time, I had many ideas for word games. But when I looked around online, there were no dictionaries or word lists I could use.
They were either …
- Way too advanced (containing all nouns in the English language)
- Conversely, too small and limited (only one category or one perspective)
- Uncategorized (just a list of all random words somebody could come up with)
- In an unusable format
The solution
That’s why I decided to roll my own solution. I needed words clearly categorized by type, category and difficulty.
Many word games only need English words that are common and well-known. Some games only focus on “food” nouns, or “animals”, or verbs. In any case, I wanted to give my users/players the choice about which words they want to use.
Finally, as I made these lists, I realized they could double as an actual dictionary. I’ve created a few Scrabble-like games, such as the Keebble Games. Those always lead to discussions about “That’s not a word! You made that up!” By including a dictionary page, you can solve that.
So …
What is PQ Words exactly?
- A clear hierarchy of folders
- With text files at the end, containing one word per line
- A script (in JavaScript) to easily load, change, combine, query the dictionary
- A command line tool (written in Rust) to easily make large changes to the files (like sorting alphabetically, cleaning up, creating a new category)
This is an “ongoing” project in the sense that I simply add new words whenever I need them for a new project.